(Mobile - Online  Public Access Catalogue)

M-OPAC is the online public access catalogue which is accessible through mobile. The mobile-optimized online public access catalog should provide a simple search facility against, the author, the title of books, and subjects, and the search result should be containing information about the holding of the library and availability of the Same in a concise manner. Through the mobile apps borrowers are able to access networked information that is linked by the app.


For Downloading M-Opac use the following link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iitms.mobileopac

M-OPAC facility is provided by Mastersoft ERP solution, Nagpur by CMS (Cloud Version. LIBMAN: this library version is cloud-based and inbuilt with the facility of M-OPAC and library QR code.

to Know  more  about please visit :


LIbrary QR code

Important - Scan your Library QR code from MOPAC App to check in and checkout into the Library Information Center and mark your attendance / visit in the library to get benefits of readers' rooms, reference books, and many more facilities available in our library. Thank You.