Scientific Research Project 

on Languages


Purpose and Mission of the Scientific Research Project on Languages

Purpose - Empirical Research

Thus far, the study of linguistics has been characterized by the use of descriptive analysis relying on an intuitive approach. Intuitive descriptions of linguistic characteristics are extremely valuable as “hypotheses”. However, there seems to be a tendency for them to be left unproven, for other hypotheses to be proposed, and for others to be left unproven. In order to make steady progress in linguistic research, it is necessary to empirically prove or disprove the hypotheses related to linguistic characteristics. The purpose of this project is to introduce experimental research methods and analytical methods for taking such an approach.

Mission - Information

The Internet and AI have become indispensable tools in our daily lives. It has become natural for people to listen to lectures and workshops at their offices or homes, whereas in the past they had to travel spatially to a venue to listen to them. Through this project, we will bring lectures and workshops to you digitally in response to these changing times. We will also make videos of techniques and analytical methods for empirical research available on the Internet so that you can listen to them at any time.