Session 5

Needed for today

Create moodboards

We will about the elements of visual design and capture the fonts, colors, spacing, and other stylistic choices for our apps in the form of mood boards. Here are our Jamboard mood boards

Hodon- Yummycookie

Hani - SnackCookies

Mohammud - N/A

Alicia - SMEY (Save Money Eat Yummy)

Adriel - N/A

Dydson - Tasty Creations

Victor - Door hub

Leanne - Feed Me.

Eder - Eat right

Josh - N/A

EJ - eatwell

Collin - Lunch Buddy

Judmardia - Virtual cookbook

Jamari - You Food

Pedro - N/A

Sandy - Cookbook

Ms. Shak - Nom Space

Post-session survey

To do for next week?

Finish wireframes

If you didn't finish your wireframes, you should work on getting those to a good place! Scroll to the bottom of this page to see where you left off on them.

You can continue your wireframes on a piece of scrap paper or print out another wireframe template.

Email Ms. Shak at if you need help!

Ms. Shak's wireframe

Create a Figma account

(If you haven't already)

You should all have created a Figma account before Session 1 of the UX workshop. BUT, if you have not, please do so before Session 6! Click here to learn how.

Watch a Figma tutorial

(Video on the right)

In your next and last session (Session 6) before the field trip, we will be creating a page of our apps using Figma. This video will help you be ready for that!

Today's resources

Today's slides

2022 spring UX workshop - session 5

Guest speaker slides

Guest speaker visual design presentation