Before session 1

Before we have our first session on Friday, May 22, you need to complete the following things:

  1. Watch the 9-10 minute 'Design Thinking' TedTalk on YouTube

  2. Fill out the 'Getting to know you' survey

  3. Create a Figma account (free)

  4. Create a Marvel account (free)

'Getting to know you' survey

Design Thinking TedTalk

Create a Figma account

This is the browser-based program we will be using for creating our high fidelity (you'll learn more about what this means soon) designs. You don't need to download anything or create anything at this point -- just create an account!

  1. Go to and click the 'Sign up' button at the top right of the screen.

  2. If you have a Google account, I would recommend you click 'Continue with Google' (one less login to remember). If not type in your email and choose a password that you'll remember and click 'Create account'.

  3. Make sure you remember your login details!

  4. If you have any issues creating your account, email Ms. S. at

Note: this is free!

Create a Marvel account

This is the browser-based program we will be using for creating prototypes of our designs. You don't need to download anything or create anything at this point -- just create an account!

  1. Go to

  2. If you have a Google account, I would recommend you click 'Sign up with Google' (one less login to remember). If not type in your name, email, and choose a password that you'll remember and click 'Create your free account'. Don't worry about filling out the 'company' field.

  3. Make sure you remember your login details!

  4. If you have any issues creating your account, email Ms. S. at

Note: this is free!