Session 2

Post-session survey

What we did today

User interview questions

We came up with user interview questions to ask. These are the questions we came up with:

  • Are there any apps / websites that you use that are similar to ours?

  • What foods do you like to eat?

  • Do you like to cook?

  • How big of a role does nutrition play in your food choices?

  • Go you go grocery shopping?

  • Does food play any role in your culture or lifestyle?

  • What restaurants do you like?

  • How many meals a day do you eat?

  • Do you consider yourself to be a ‘snacker’?

Mock user interviews

We held mock user interviews where we had an interviewer, and interviewee, and notetakers. Here are the interview summary sheets we filled out:

Group 1 interview notes

Group 3 interview notes

Group 5 interview notes

Group 2 interview notes

Group 4 interview notes

Today's resources


2022 spring UX workshop - session 2

Empty notetaker template

Notetaker template.pdf