Session 3

Post-session survey

What we did today

Finalized app ideas

Before coming up with our main tasks for our app, we had to really nail down what our app's purpose is!

Group 1's app idea

Custom cookie creation + delivery app

Group 2's app idea

Recipe suggester and sharing app

Group 3's app idea

Food delivery app based on user prefernces with less hidden fees

Group 4's app idea

Food / meal delivery app

Group 5's app idea

Virtual / online cookbook app

Ms. Shak's app idea

An app for finding articles, recipes, and videos on how to make recipes

Tasks + user journeys

Today we learned about tasks and how to map user journeys with existing app examples and with our own app ideas.

Group 1 journey sheet

Group 2 journey sheet

Group 3 journey sheet

Group 4 journey sheet

Group 5 journey sheet

Ms. Shak's journey sheet

Today's resources


Journey mapping template

2022 spring UX workshop - session 3
Journey mapping template.pdf