
Journal Publications

Capital Controls and Trade Policy
Journal of International Economics, 103965
With Emile Marin
[DOI] [Final Manuscript] [NBER Working Paper #31082 | April 2023] [Centre for Macroeconomics Discussion Paper #2023-06 | February 2023] [Cambridge Working Paper #2318 | February 2023]
[Non-Technical Summary]
Previously presented and circulated under the title "Capital Controls and Free-Trade Agreements".

The Asymmetric Effects of Quantitative Tightening and Easing on Financial Markets
Economics Letters, vol. 238, May 2024
With Daniel Ostry
[DOI] [Final Manuscript | April 2024

Foreign Vulnerabilities, Domestic Risks: The Global Drivers of GDP-at-Risk
IMF Economic Review, vol. 72, March 2024, pages 335-392
With Ed Manuel and Konstantin Panchev
[DOI] [Final Manuscript] [Bank of England Staff Working Paper #940 | May 2022] [Cambridge Working Paper #2156 | April 2022]
Blog: [Bank Underground]
Twitter: [Summary Thread] [Update Summary Thread]
Press Coverage: []

In the Face of Spillovers: Prudential Policies in Emerging Economies
Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 122, April 2022
With Andra Coman
[DOI] [Final Manuscript] [ECB Working Paper #2339 | December 2019 (Old)] [Bank of England Staff Working Paper #828 | September 2019 (Older)]
Blog: [Bank Underground]
Press Coverage: []

The Interaction Between Macroprudential Policy and Monetary Policy: Overview
Review of International Economics, vol. 29(1), February 2021, pages 1-19, Special Issue of International Banking Research Network
With Matthieu Bussière, Jin Cao, Jakob de Haan, Robert Hills, Baptiste Meunier, Justine Pedrono, Dennis Reinhardt, Sonalika Sinha, Rhiannon Sowerbutts and Konstantin Styrin
[DOI] [Bank of England Staff Working Paper #886 | October 2020]

Le Pont de Londres: Interactions Between Monetary and Prudential Policies in Cross-Border Lending
Review of International Economics, vol. 29(1), February 2021, pages 61-86, Special Issue of International Banking Research Network
With Matthieu Bussière, Robert Hills, Baptiste Meunier, Justine Pedrono, Dennis Reinhardt and Rhiannon Sowerbutts
[DOI] [Bank of England Staff Working Paper #850 | January 2020] [Banque de France Working Paper #753 | January 2020]
Blog: [Bank Underground]

Overnight Indexed Swap-Implied Interest Rate Expectations
Finance Research Letters, vol. 38, January 2021
[DOI] [Final Manuscript]
Previously circulated as a longer working paper with the title "Overnight Indexed Swap Market-Based Measures of Monetary Policy Expectations"
[Bank of England Staff Working Paper #709 | February 2018] [Cambridge Working Paper #1733 | September 2017 (Old)]

Estimating Nominal Interest Rate Expectations: Overnight Indexed Swaps and the Term Structure
Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 119, October 2020
[DOI] [Final Manuscript] [Bank of England Staff Working Paper #763 | November 2018 (Old)] [Cambridge Working Paper #1734 | September 2017 (Older)]
Winner of the Cambridge Finance Best Student Paper 2016 Award
Press Coverage: []

The Impact of the 1932 General Tariff: A Difference-in-Difference Approach
Cliometrica, vol. 14, January 2020, pages 41-60
With Solomos Solomou
[DOI] [Cambridge Working Paper #1940 | January 2019]

Book Chapters

Macro-financial policy in an international financial centre: the United Kingdom experience since the global financial crisis
In Macro-financial Stability Policy in a Globalised World: Lessons from International Experience, edited by Claudio Borio,  Edward Robinson and Hyun Song Shin, January 2023
With Thorsten Beck, Dennis Reinhardt and Rhiannon Sowerbutts
[Final Manuscript] [CEPR Discussion Paper #16860 | January 2022]
Podcast: [VoxTalks (by coauthor)

Emerging market currency risk around 'global disasters': Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis and the COVID-19 crisis
In COVID-19 in Developing Economies, edited by Simeon Djankov and Ugo Panizza, CEPR/VoxEU e-book, June 2020
With Giancarlo Corsetti and Emile Marin
[Final Chapter]
Blog: [Bank Underground]