

This page is to provide a variety of diverse pedagogical resources for Spanish language learners, including lesson plan materials and outlines, music & playlists, bilingual jokes & funnies, Spanish movies & TV shoes, applications, and various other daily tech ideas for learning. 

(This page is continuously in progress)

Materials from events

🎵 Music

Necesitamos la música para muchas cosas en la vida, especialmente para el aprendizaje de idiomas y de cultura.

Music is wonderful, and wonderfully essential in second language and culture learning. 

Spotify - Feel free to follow my Spotify playlist of amazing Spanish tunes, oldies, newbies, Top 40 hits, as well as lesser known gems. As I curate this list, I will make note of the cultural and linguistic content of the song. 

Spotify Playlist - Profe Jones' Spanish Playlist • user name: Joneslc2

Listing of song name, artist, and potential pedagogical value in the Spanish language classroom (i.e. vocabulary, culture, pronunciation, etc.). The working project can be found here.

🎶 If you are interested in multiple languages, check out my Polyglot Café playlist

(Kristin Marena, Spanish Teacher at Ringgold High School, PA shares her thoughts on "Teaching World Languages with Music")

🤣 Funnies found online

📱 Mobile Tech Tool favorites (in progress) 

🐦 why I like them in less than 280 characters: 

Social Media 

🐦 Images, sounds, & stories are essential elements for language learning. Instagram offers learners a highly visual and auditory experience in engaging learners in their L2, including posting gallery images with captions in the L2 or sharing stories while discoursing in the L2.

🐦 Exploring stories from across the world from the palm of their hand, Snap Map allows students to travel virtually to their target country, and in seconds witness first hand occurrences, while experiencing both audio and visual input of the target language and culture.

🐦 Highly popular among young generations, the 3rd most downloaded video app is a social media space where students can create, share, discover, and express themselves in a low-stakes, fun environment, centered on singing, speaking, lip-syncing, and even comedy. 

Messaging & More

🐦 Creating an avatar in the TL offers LLs the opportunity to practice high frequency vocab like physical features & colors. Creartuavatar is pedagogically advantageous because while the prompts are in the L2, they are supported by the image, thus making it a fun and easy activity.

🐦 Building out and incorporating a Bitmoji into learners’ daily CMC practices is also a way to drive personal motivation and language creativity. *The variety of Bitmoji expressive stickers also facilitates many opportunities for language learning review, games, and activities.

🐦 Language learning is a social and communicative process, and so is texting. Our students are texting more than ever, & we should encourage them to do so in their L2, thus increasing exposure to input, providing real-world practice settings, & perhaps even enhancing motivation. 

Mobile apps for news

Social & Multimedia Learning

YouTube Channels

🐦 Reyes’ videos offer a range in content and duration, allowing viewers to hear an authentic Castilian accent present a diverse array of engaging material regarding themes including informal and colloquial Spanish, as well as grammar, vocabulary, and much more. 

More ideas, articles & resources to support you in your Spanish language learning endeavor

• "Extending Language Learning Outside of the Classroom: 13 tips" - a publication of the Graduate Certificate in Language Teaching with Technology, University of Colorado-Boulder. (*cough* "Encourage students to text each other in the target language."*cough* 😉 )