Southern Association for Ancient Philosophy

The Southern Association for Ancient Philosophy (SAAP) is one of two Ancient Philosophy societies in the UK (the other being the Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy, NAAP). 

It was founded in 1955, and meets annually for a short conference in September, which is residential in normal times.* As well as providing a forum for discussion and debate, the SAAP serves as an annual convention for UK scholars and graduate students of ancient philosophy. The informal atmosphere is conducive to the making and renewing of contacts. 

The venue and organising responsibilities for the Southern Association meeting alternate between Oxford and Cambridge. The 2024 meeting will be held in Cambridge in September 2024 (16th to 17th). Details are on the relevant page of this site.

The society has a facebook group which members are encouraged to join, and which can be used for sharing information of interest to ancient philosophy researchers. It can be found here.

To join the mailing list or change your mailing preferences please visit this link.

*It was temporarily replaced by an online meeting in 2020 and 2021 because of the corona-virus pandemic.