Learning by doing increases long-term retention, improves problem solving, collaboration skills and attitude towards learning.

- STROBEL,2009



5 Kanha

I will demonstrate how using renewable energy is better than using conventional methods of energy, and how it is less harmful to nature. Changing to renewable energy sources, to produce electricity, will help the Earth by slowing and reversing climate change.


5 Sariska

Through this project, I am going to tell you about shelters by recounting all energies commonly used in our houses and going forward, I am going to explain 1 energy in each room deeply. Basically, I have made a cardboard house with a bedroom, hall, kitchen and bathroom.


5 Corbett

My project is based on energy and its name is 'Reason for Pollution and Its Solution'. My project is about how energy is important and its effects on future development and humankind. It also talks about various types of energy power plants and their pros and cons.


Shanaya Saini

5 kanha

Climate change is one of the most challenging problems of our times that we must overcome. Increasing temperatures, forest fires, melting of glaciers and ice, warming of oceans, threat to biodiversity are some of the many impacts of climate change. Water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons are some greenhouse gases that cause climate change. Human activities like cutting down forests and burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas have been the primary drivers of climate change. We can help combat climate change by three Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


5 Sariska

Let me tell you a story……Once the Earth was crying. The Moon came to her and asked, “Hey, What's the matter? Why are you so upset?" The Earth replied, “Oh! What do I tell you? These humans! In their greed and selfishness, they have been polluting and misusing the resources. This has led to climate change. They are harming animals and trees are being cut down. Because of that, I feel so hot and my temperature is rising. Furthermore, I am getting dirtier by the day! The only people who are trying to save me now are the wise ones. I can only hope that humankind wakes up before it's too late!” And my friends… I leave the end of the story for you to decide. For it is our actions that will make it a happy or a sad one!

Aarna Edke

5 Corbett

Climate change is a serious issue. The greenhouse gas effect, burning fossil fuels, polluting oceans, killing cows(beef), all translate into climate change and resource depletion. If we keep continuing like this, then our life shall become like climbing a mountain. This means that if we can disrupt Earth's system, then we also have a path to fix it. There are many ways to fix it. It is up to you to make a difference!

Riya Saini

5 Corbett

We all know that climate change is a very serious issue and is becoming a threat to our planet. Through my research and work I want to make everyone aware of their surroundings and make sure it impacts them. Through my project, you’ll be able answer questions like -‘What is climate and weather?’, ’What is climate change?’, ‘What steps can we take to make a better and healthier environment around us?’, and many more.

Ananya Aggarwal

5 Kanha

I am going to talk about climate change and its definition, why is it a serious concern, oceans folding, drought, shortage of food supply, health, what causes climate change, greenhouse effects and what causes them. My project also addresses human activities such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation and landfills. I have also given solutions such as how to start building solar panels, windmills, smog-eating concrete, walking, carpooling, reusing, reducing and recycling, planting trees.

Legal Rights for Animals

Khushpreet Bhatia

5 Corbett

My project is about 'Rights for Animals'. It is the perfect opportunity to showcase my thoughts and ideas. I found out that animals have legal rights but it seems like many people are not following these laws and regulations so I put my thinking cap on, used my creativity and came up with easy solutions that everyone can partake in, be it 4-year-old kids or an 88-year-old grandma. Let's dream together and be the change we want to see in the world.

Aadhya Uniyal

5 Kanha

Have you ever seen animals getting mistreated or did you or someone you know ever mistreat them? Well, my project talks about how animals do not get enough rights and how they are are mistreated. We should respect them just as we respect humans. We should not mistreat them and should always remember to stand up for them. My project points out different problems and states some possible solutions. Let’s spread happiness among humans, as well as animals.

Kaustubh Juyal

5 Sariska

I hope my PPT will inspire people not to torture animals. Through this project, I gained a lot of knowledge about animal torture and their forms. Now I can raise my voice if I see someone doing that.

Snikita Roy

5 Kanha

The project which I chose is ‘Legal Rights for Animals’ as I am really fond of them. My project mostly tells about rights for animals in India as they are living beings too like us. There might be different rules for animals in other countries. I researched on animal rights and found suitable pictures for my project.

Maira Sikka

5 Kanha

My project talks about legal rights for animals. Animals should be given rights to live because they are also living beings. They should be provided shelter and taken care of. Killing animals is not legal. Killing humans is a serious offence, then why is that not the case with animals.

IT Projects


5 Sariska

It's an application showing the story of a person who is walking backwards. The app has been created on Scratch 2.0. The person walks in the backward direction and goes through various landscapes and finally reaches his destination. The app is inspired from Michael Jackson's Moon Walk.



It's a prototype for helicopter and drone. The helicopter and drone are made using cardboard, small fans, induction motors and battery.



The app focuses on educational content with three switchable screens. Each screen signifies a unit with computer key shortcuts. The app can be a useful tool for students to learn shortcut keys of computer. The app has been developed on MIT APP Inventor.



5 Gir

As a part of my study on the social and political status of India, I have selected the theme 'Diversity in India', giving it a personal touch to make my audience aware of India's cultural differences. India is divided into many states and every state has its own culture and sub cultures. The language, clothes and food habits change. My Ted Talk addresses the various languages, states, religions and how the democracy of India unites all of us. We should respect each other's culture, considering it as one of the 'fundamental duties' that we need to follow as an Indian.

Kshitij Goel


5 Sariska

"Book of Souls" is a digital inventory of plants, insects, birds and animals in our neighborhood. It creates awareness about our friends - 'souls who cannot speak' in a hope to create compassion towards them and undertaking efforts to preserve them. It uses QR codes to engage with people and spread knowledge and awareness. It is fun for kids to participate, and brings the attention of elders to what should not be ignored. So far, it has received engagement from 50+ kids and around 150 elders.




I achieved my goal of explaining the importance of an eye in the human body. The knowledge I gained from this project includes the serious problems and some great solutions for eyes. I think the research findings actually shocked me. The high points of my project are importance of eyes, eye problems and their solutions.




Today, 1 in 3 people suffer from chronic illnesses – so that means if that is not you, it could be the person to your left or right. If that isn’t shocking enough, research also shows that all of us here today will develop a chronic disease later in our lives.

Dive deeper with me, Rishabh Burman, and understand how we can combat these non-communicable diseases that have led to the GREAT EPIDEMIC of our age. We will uncover the causes for the EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRANSITION and the secret weapon of self-destruction in our own kitchen! Like all great journeys start with the smallest step, let’s understand the small change that we can make to ensure that we can avoid or at best, delay the onset of the deadly diseases till an immortal serum is finally up for grabs!



I got this idea to research on the theme 'Energy' as I had done a similar project previously. So, energy is the ability or capacity of a body to do work. Energy can’t be replaced, formed or destroyed. With my research work, I will share some salient points regarding energy.