“If you have a project to pour your learnings into, you will retain the knowledge.”

― Richie Norton


The personal project is is to develop the the student's personal interest and to show and apply skills, which are developed through various learning methodologies.

Personal projects are a cornerstone of creative growth and discovery. It's a great opportunity to grow, both creatively and professionally. It gives you an opportunity to explore possibilities in what you are passionate about by digging deeper. Personal projects are an excellent way to put something out in the world that is entirely your own


The Six C's aim not only for future career success but also for success in every aspect of life.The key purpose is to prepare children for their future through design thinking and project based learning approaches. The need of the hour is to inculcate creative and problem-solving skills in our students plus the ability to adapt to changes. Those new skills and abilities students can’t polish by solving standardized tests. That’s why there is a growing need to foster 21st Century skills in the classroom—skills of the 6 C’s of education.


Giving students voice and choice—the opportunity to choose to learn the way they learn best and to direct some aspects of their learning—helps to make students feel personally invested in their learning and gives them a role in shaping and creating it rather than it being simply delivered to them. In a truly student-centered environment, teachers and students work collaboratively to co-create a learning plan or pathway that best suits the needs of each individual learner. The teacher serves as an architect of each student's learning experience. By implementing student-centered principles into the learning environment can improve student engagement and make teaching and learning, no matter what environment you and your students find yourselves in, more student-focused.