Locally Grown Food

Locally Grown Food

It is important to promote local and regional agriculture industry and support healthy food systems in Southern Nevada.

Why choose local?

Better quality

When you buy local, you know exactly how and where your food comes from. The crops are picked at their peak season for the best flavor. Food travel shorter distances to your table, minimizing nutrient loss and staying fresh and nutritious for your consumption.

Better for the environment

Choosing local helps protect our farmland and preserves biodiversity. Local food travel shorter distances to get to you, reducing the fuel consumption and carbon emissions. There is also not a need for plastic use or other types of packaging to keep them looking fresh through processing and transportation.

Support local farmers

Our farmers are dedicated to providing quality food for the community. When you buy local, there is no middleman involved and farmers get paid for what they produced. When farmers retain more profit, they are able to preserve local farms for future generations and carry on their tradition to support the community.

Strengthens our community

Buying local help us connect with local farmers, building relationships that can last a long time. Supporting local food production also keep our revenue and jobs flowing within the community. Having a close network with local farms make us more independent and self-reliant as a community.

Where can I find locally grown food?

NevadaGrown is a nonprofit Nevada corporation whose purpose is to enhance the viability of Nevada’s farms, maintain our rural heritage and open spaces, help protect the environment, and sustain local economies through promotion of our agricultural products and education of the public on the importance of local food security.

Buy Nevada is a program managed by Nevada Department of Agriculture that promotes the Nevada food and agriculture industry. Established in 2013, Buy Nevada strives to support the economic growth of Nevada by promoting food and agriculture businesses.  Their mission is to spread awareness of what food and agriculture businesses and opportunities are in the state of Nevada and create a platform that informs consumers and businesses about opportunities in the Nevada food and agriculture sector.

Local Farmers Markets

For the most current list of local farmers markets, click here.

Market dates, hours, and locations are subject to change. Please check with the market before your visit.

For information regarding nutrition education, accepting and using SNAP benefits at Farmers' Markets, please visit the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) SNAP-Ed Connection.