Sonic: Genesis

An Open-World Adventure RPG

[Plot] [Mobius]

In the winter of 1992 I was 5 years old, and for Christmas that year I got a Sega Genesis—the one that came with a copy of 'Sonic the Hedgehog'—and ever since I've been a fan of 'the Blue Blur.'

Over the next eight years Sega gave us nine incredible 2D titles to explore the world of Sonic across more than three systems. However, throughout all those games, either through stylistic-choice or the hardware limitations of the time, the plot was only to be found in the instruction manual. Unlike Mario who had games that featured text, over-world maps, and one of the best RPG's ever (Super Mario RPG), Sonic's world seemed a dimensional.

This all changed in 1999 with the Dreamcast's "Sonic Adventure."

Not only were we all playing on the most powerful and innovative system the home console world had ever seen, we were finally playing a Sonic game that wasn't just a rapid fire of disjointed levels meant to be beaten in a couple of minutes. With a central hub, multiple playthroughs, upgrades, voice acting, and a narrative plot, Sonic fans like myself believed that we would be entering a golden-age of Sonic.

Instead, in the almost twenty years since, we've gotten one of the biggest mixed bags in gaming franchise history.

Where as Mario would go on to become a behemoth of the 3D systems, Sonic never again reached the heights he had attained with the Dreamcast.

And that brings us to why you're here:

What follows is my theory-crafted open-world adventure RPG set in the Sonic Universe.

Visually, the game is meant to be based on the "Toei Sonic", from the Sonic CD opening—but conceptually I have attempted to bring new depth and substance to the entirety of the Sonic Universe. I hope you enjoy!

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