
Hougaard, Anders. 2017. "Velkommen til din hyperverden!" ["Welcome to your hyper-world"]. Rønde Højskole, Denmark, 29 November.

Hougaard, Anders. 2017. "Hyperembodiment". International Conference on Multimodal Communication. Osnabrück University, 9-11 June.

Steen, Francis. 2017. "The Garden of Forking Paths: Multimodal constructions of alternative and possible times in television news" , Time concepts and their expression: creativity, cognition, communication - CREATIME. University of Navarra, Pamplona 11-12 May.

Hougaard, Anders. 2016. "The Vegetative Mind". Center for Human Interactivity. University of Southern Denmark

Hougaard, Anders. 2016. "The Flowing Human Being: a paradigm conflict of the 21st century". Research Meeting. Center for Semiotics, Aarhus University, 2nd March.

Hougaard, Anders. 2014 . "The Emmediated Mind". The First Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) Lund University, 25-27 September.

Presentation on hyperembodiment at ICMC 2017, Osnabrück University