
Hougaard, Anders. Interview i Danish Radio 24syv, “Nothing has changed since Socrates” (in Danish) on "moral panic" in relation to new media. Sep. 6th 2017.

Hougaard, Anders. "Lad os komme videre fra Sokrates", feature article [kronik], Jyllands-Posten, 22 August 2017

Hougaard, Anders. Feature article on "hyperexperientiality" in the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende. 27th May 2017.

Hougaard, Anders. Interview about terror as a media phenomenon ,TV2 News, evening program, 9. april 2017.

Hougaard, Anders. Interview for “Vi reagerer mere afdæmpet på terror“, Berlingske Tidende (major Danish newspaper), 8 april 2017

Hougaard, Anders. Interview for “Vor tids autenticitet findes i selfies, Facebook og smartphones” Berlingske Tidende (major Danish newspaper), 23 february 2017

Hougaard, Anders. Interview in the culture program AK24 syv in Radio 24/7 (major Danish radio station) about “hyperembodiment", 20th December 2016