'Controlling the controllables'

This site is to help support Redcliffe Sixth Form students with developing the academic skills and attributes needed for A Level. Here you will find information, tips and advice, to help students take control of their studies and reach their full potential.  

Introduction to A Levels at SMRT

What are the differences between GCSEs and A Levels?

What is on the A Level specification for my subjects?

What does the 6th Form curriculum journey look like?

When do you receive feedback at Redcliffe and what does this look like?

If I am starting in Y12 on 4 subjects, when should I drop to 3 and how do I do this?

Should I sit an AS exam at the end of Y12?

'ALIVE' A Level Mindset Skills: Organisation, Interdependence, Communication, Research and Revision

What is an A Level Mindset?

What are good study habits for A Level? Including how much time you should be spending on your studies outside of lessons and how to plan your time.

How will I work well independently? Including what should I be doing when I have not been set 'homework'?

What type of learner am I and why does this matter?

How will I make effective notes?

How will I research for new information/topics including for coursework and/or EPQ?

How will I write an essay at A Level standard?

Why is it important to ask questions and ask for help when needed?

How will I work well with others (including in 10th lessons)?

What do the Y13 subject mentors advise?


Revision- Why will I revise?

Revision- What to revise?

Revision- What is the right environment for revision?

Revision- How will I revise?

Revision- How will I make a revision timetable?

Revision- Subject specific revision advice

Revision- Looking after yourself during revision

'ALIVE' A Level Mindset Attitudes/Motivation: Aspiration, Inspiration, Perspiration and Resilience

What is my motivation and how will I stay motivated?

How will I plan for my future and therefore have goals at 6th Form?

How will I fall in love with my subjects?

How will I respond positively to feedback?

How will I avoid procrastination?

Why is it important that I attend lessons, registrations and assemblies and arrive on time?

How will I look after myself during my A Levels?

For Y12 students...How will I prepare for Y13?

For Y13 students...How will I prepare for University study?

The Alive Curriculum - Overview

Our curriculum thinking is rooted in both the Christian foundation of our school and our knowledge of the students we serve and what they need to flourish in local, national and international contexts. We believe that “The glory of God is a human being fully Alive” (Iraneaus) and our vocation is to help students be “fully Alive” learners through the curriculum we provide.


Our curriculum is a reflection of the diversity of our school community and one that allows each student to discover their own unique gifts and to develop them fully. To facilitate this, our curriculum is built on the foundation of choice. We provide a curriculum that offers students and teachers the freedom to be creative within a framework of effective organisation. We want students who engage with their faith and value themselves while appreciating and understanding their place in the modern world. Our students are with us for an important part of their journey through that world. We want our curriculum to help ensure that they navigate their way safely, in a manner which values others and recognises our interdependence. We want to develop Alive learners, who trust others but do not simply accept what they are told but ask questions as they seek the truth. Who are resilient when things go wrong and forgiving when wronged by others. Who are courageous advocates for justice and respect, equipped with the life and learning skills (the ability to review, to research, to communicate) necessary to make their unique contribution at a local, national and global level.

The Alive themes are the ‘golden thread’ which runs through each subject and each key stage, as well as the learning that happens outside the classroom. For more information on this please go to this section of the school website: 

In addition, in Sixth Form, due to the nature of A Levels, we look to develop the specific skills, attitudes and motivation that characterizes the students who are most likely to experience success in their A Level studies.