supercurricular study-

How will I fall in love with my subjects?

Study Links

The Redcliffe Sixth Form Reading list:

It highlights major MOOC (online course) providers such as:

FutureLearn – [free online courses from the Open University] [free online courses from a range of Universities] [free online courses from a range of Universities] [free online courses from MIT] [free online courses on all sorts of things] [free online courses from Yale] iTunes U [accessible via itunes and containing courses from everywhere, including Oxford]

Some other useful links to help with your studies...

TED Talks – videos and transcripts of inspirational talks by leading subject experts.

The Faculties – videos and podcasts of English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, History and Psychology lectures from UK universities.

In Our Time archive - a vast range of radio discussions between academic experts on almost everything imaginable – listen online or download as MP3 files to play on the move.

Futurelearn - browse the online free courses on a wide range of subjects – all provided by Universities and constantly updated with courses that are linked to a wide range of A-level courses and beyond…

Loopa - a great resource for students studying and revising A-level Psychology.

BBC News online

Al Jazeera English

CNN online

The Economist

The New Statesman magazine

The Financial Times online

The Financial Times (for secondary schools) - our school is registered to enable access to full content from within the school. You are also encouraged to register yourself for updates at

The New Scientist - we have subscriber access to the full archive with the login available from the 6th Form librarian

The New Internationalist - we have subscriber access to the full archive with the login available from the 6th Form librarian

Michael Sandel’s ‘Justice’ course – the most popular Uni course in the world, both at Harvard (everyone goes) and on-line – covers the nature of morality and justice

Coursera - free online courses from a range of Universities

MIT - free online courses from MIT

EDX - free online courses from a range of Universities

Khan Academy - free online courses on all sorts of things

Yale - free online courses from Yale

iTunes U - accessible via itunes and containing courses from everywhere, including loads from Oxford University

HE+ - a website put together by Cambridge University to support 6th form students in all subjects with wider reading and applications (not just for Cambridge)

Staircase 12 - a website put together by University College, Oxford to support students considering HE applications (not just Oxford) - contains interviews and book reviews from current students

Oxford University podcasts

Cambridge University audio and video lectures

Directory of Open Access Journals

CrashCourse on YouTube is fantastic for lots of subjects, parcelling them up into 10 minute videos including nice animation

IFL Science - well worth following for updates on science stories