
Basic Statistics 

name: Outlaw Levina Rebel McCarty

other names: Wolf, Reb, Coyote, Tł'é'na'áí ba'cho,, Ba’cho

birthday: April 27th 1709

gender: female

nationality: none

sexuality: aromantic, bisexual

hometown: the wilds

permanent residence: the wind

occupation: gunslinger, nuisance 

talents/skills: rodeo/riding, guns, knives, fighting, driving, mechanics, leatherworking, music/instruments

siblings: Bernard “Bear” Talon, Colt “Screwloose” Talon 

relationships: Billy the Kid, Dagger, Maverick

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6’5

Race: Spanish/Mojave/other

Eye Colour: pale/icy blue

Hair Colour/Type: Darker blonde with reddish tinge, slightly wavy

Glasses: no

Skin Colour: Darker side

Distinguishing Features: many scars all across body, including face/hands/arms

Style: western/street kid/blue collar

Mannerisms: Reserved, cold

Habits: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs

Health: should be dead

hobbies : horses, death, chaos, vehicles, guns

Disabilities: Limp from old injury, uncountable number of mental illnesses 

intellectual/mental/personality attributes and attitudes

introvert / extrovert: introvert

how they deal with anger: fights, drinking

with sadness: ^^^

with conflict: shuts down

with change: varies

with loss: benders

what they want out of life: chaos

what they'd like to change in their life: everything

what motivates them: spite

what frightens them: trusting, hospitals

what makes them happy: animals, music

judgemental: nah

generous / stingy: generous

polite / rude: depends on her mood and the person

spiritual characteristics

spiritual beliefs: well, considering her mother, it should be clear what she knows is there

how religion/spirituality is apart of their life: uh welp, idk, figure it out i guess

additional notes:

Magic powers : communicate with animals, umbrakinesis, shadow camouflage, night vision, inflammation, thermokinesis, minor granulation, hydrokinesis, can heal animals

A sketch my buddy Raptor did of Outlaw for me.

A thing my buddy Raptor did for Outlaw, for me, I forget what it's called. An image collab? I dunno, whatever it's called, it's cool