Free Spirit

Name: Free Spirit

Gender: Mare

Designer: Me

Colour: black paint, blue eyes, black hooves, black/white mane/tail

Markings: tobiano, bald face, 4 stockings

Genes: Ee aa prl Ff STYSTY TOTO SPLspl

Add-Ons: black/blue feathers in mane behind ears

Companion: Steller's Jay

Companion Name: Flicker

Personality: Free Spirit lives up to her name. Never in one place too long, she's a restless soul that simply has to know where the wind blows, no matter where it may take or how rough the terrain. Accompanied by the jay, Flicker, the two roam wherever they will, content and at peace with each others company and the beauty of the wilds.

Tag by Odysea, 70k. Based off old ref.

Falling Feathers tag by Forgottenland 50k

Pride tag by myself and Os