

Nickname: VAL

Gender: Female

Designer: Me

Species: Dire Wolf

Colour: pitch black, blue/black paw pads and nose, pale blue eyes

Markings: scars on face and front and hind right legs

Personality: A last remnant of the hulking dire wolf breed, Valkyrie is 210 pounds of apex predator. Standing 4 feet tall at the shoulder, the black beast is an foreboding as her master she so dearly loves. Outlaw and Valkyrie are both fiercely protective of the other, and both bear scars that come from protecting the other. Valkyrie is as timeless as her mistress, and has been her loyal companion for well over 1000 years. How Outlaw came upon the beastie is yet another secret she stoically guards, the very few people who have met Val and asked the obvious question were simply met with vague statements of: "the general humans know way less then they think they do of this world." or, "the woods hold many secrets."