Chains of Sorrow

Name: Chains of Sorrow

Gender: stallion

Designer: ??

Price: ??

came with 1 tag

Colour: black, black mane and tail, brown eyes

Markings/Add-Ons: red swirls on legs and muzzle, red highlights in mane & tail, red chains on neck and rump

Personality: Sorrow has the appearance of a calm, chill fellow, but make no mistakes, he is a deadly lad. Unlike his buddy Ahiga, he is a sneak attacker. If you cross him, better listen for the ghostly soft rattle of his chains, it will be the last thing you hear. He is quite thoughtful to those he considers his herd, and is very sappy when it comes to his mate, Whippoorwill.

Mate: Whippoorwill

Chains of Sorrow tag by Zephyr?? (came with)

Chains of Sorrow tag by Sabriel, 60k

Chains of Sorrow tag by Sparky, 30k

Chains of Sorrow & Whippoorwill sig by River, unsure of price.