Alpine Forget-Me-Not

Name: Alpine Forget-Me-Not

Gender: Mare

Designer: Me

Colour: royal blue with white and black mane and tail, black hooves, and lighter blue eyes.

Markings: white rabicano, darker blue socks and dun markings (dorsal stripe and leg barring)

Add-Ons/Special Features: Light blue flowers in mane, cloven hooves

Personality: Alpine is as free and pure as a mountain breeze, and as shy as the rabbits that roam her Alpine home. Her cloven hooves enable her to move through the craggy cliffs as nimbly as the goats that she plays with. A gentle, bashful soul, Alpine can often be found laying peacefully among the flowers that grow in the mountain vales, more often than not cuddling with the rabbits or goats.

Tag by Bridger, 75k

Tag by Raptor, gift

Tag by me.