Deceased Characters

Note: Information found on this page in a box like this is only considered IC for members of that character's clan. All other information on this page can be considered IC for everyone.

"Razor" Eddie (Brujah)

"Razor" Eddie has been an occasional visitor to the Domain since moving to Baltimore from Manchester, England last summer. In a surprise move to many, she finds herself Seneschal under Rook's new reign on the throne. In September 2011, it was reported that she died at the hands of an unknown assailant while visiting Baltimore.

Matthew Webster (Gangrel)

Died protecting the domain from Infernal Mages.

Jonah (Nosferatu)

Living up to the clan stereotype of rarely seen, but usually lurking, Jonah has been sighted sporadically at gatherings since the reign of Prince Nathan Dwyer. Initially appearing as an outspoken Anarch, publicly calling out the Camarilla on numerous occasions, and tagging the area with 'Jonah is Watching.' So it came as a surprise to many when (then Archon) Cock Robin appeared in the domain in 2005 to reveal that Jonah had been serving the office of the Justicar Ctarinov as an intelligence operative and restored Jonah's status that had been held in abeyance. Since then Jonah has vanished from the area several times ostensibly on "clan business."

Eli Ryden (Tremere)

Died saving the Domain from a Koldunist.

Dicky Redman (Ravnos)

Since his arrival he has definitely made an impact on the Domain and the surrounding Domains. He is quick with a smile, kind word and a hug. It is hard to be in bad mood around this guy. He is widely known and liked. New to the Embrace, several Princes and high standing members of the Camarilla have taken him under their wing, so to speak. This fast up and coming kindred will definitely be household name. It has been rumored that he has been seen in the company of Prince Lilly Townsend of Westchester, NY. With this many connections he is definately someone you want to stay on his good side.

Ion Jones (Tremere)

Information coming soon.

Vincent Thomas (Gangrel)

Information coming soon.

Syeira Getzi (Malkavian)

Information coming soon.