Chest X-ray

We will start off with some very basic chest x-ray modules. Each of these modules are very short (2-3 minutes) and focus on a few findings. These modules are high quality and very straightforward. They have good quizzes at the end.

Recognizing a technically adequate Chest X-ray (hint: most x-rays you will see won’t be optimal, you will want to know why so you can explain fakeouts and sound smart)

Recognize a pleural effusion. This is a great module. You will see a lot of effusions.

Recognizing CHF. You will see this all day long. Know this and you will look like a pro in CCU!

Recognizing a Pneumothorax. You will not see this frequently, but you should always look for it! It is hard to see, even in the module sometimes, but just quickly go through the cases so you know it.

Airspace vs. Interstitial disease. What is interstitial disease? This is all about how can you tell if a disease process in the lung involves filling up of the alveoli (airspace) or is it a disease involving the actual lung tissue (interstitial).

Finally, please review the practical file for today – we will go over the answers with one of the residents!

Week 1 Day 1 Practical -- Chest Xray.pdf