YouTube Tips

Here are different ways to include YouTube videos.  Note that if you want to include your own videos you can do that by adding them straight from Drive from where they will stream in a player.  Simply go to add an image from Drive but choose a video instead.

This has been add using the YouTube button on the right hand Insert pane.


It is quick and easy to add and can be played full screen.


After the video has finished playing it may be replaced by adverts for other videos based on the viewers own viewing habits.

Using the embed link with the address from YouTube and append with a forward slash '/'. 


Presents title and description automatically.  


Doesn't play on this screen.  Makes a link through to YouTube - which may also be seen as an advantage.

This has been added by getting the embed code from the share button on the video in YouTube and embedding in Google Sites.


Currently None.  Options to prevent suggested videos (append URL with ?rel=0), or to set start point in video (append URL with ?t=210 for 210 seconds) do not seem to work with Google Sites.  Maybe they will in the future and so it is useful to be aware of this method.

UPDATE - it is no longer possible to stop suggested videos


Slower to do.  Will not play full screen - you will need to click the link to YouTube to do that.  Not always the correct size and so you may see scroll bars.