Google Sites

a complete guide for teachers

NOTE - I am currently updating this site to be a complete guide.  Previously it was a collection of advanced techniques. Please bear with me!   Thanks    Dave Salt

Why are Google Sites so great for teachers?

Adding and sharing content is soooooooo easy!

Paste an image and add a caption in seconds

You can share so many different types of content including live activities and interactive games.

Try a bit of subitizing with this mini-activity.

Powerful sharing options mean you can restrict access to your content to who it is intended for.

Safely make and share:

Class pages

Topic sites

Parent Newsletter...  etc.  etc. etc.

The simple layout structure and styling makes Sites look good in Desktop and Mobile views.

Adults and children can make Sites collaboratively.

And finally...

Html is the linga-franca of the internet.  Any other format (pdf, slide show, docs) have to be translated to html to be shared.

Slides are for supporting verbal presentations.  Sites should be your first choice for sharing information!