Google Sites

quickly add content

Add content           Add layouts           Move content & Grouped content

Add content

You can insert content types by using the 'Insert' pane on the right of the screen.

There are lots of types here to choose from.


Double click on a blank piece of screen to get a quick floating menu for the most common types.

NOTE - images can be copied and pasted into Sites.  They will appear below the current layout.


Embed     Text     Upload


Add layouts

Sites are composed of horizontal layouts. 

You can select a layout template from the 'Insert' pane or just drag content into a blank layout to construct your own.

You can color (or background image), duplicate and delete each layout with its controls on the left.  You can also drag it up and down into any position by grabbing the 8 dots.

Move content & Grouped content

Hover over the blue line around a selected item to drag it to a new location.

The thick blue line will show where it will be docked.  

You can dock it beneath a layout to place it in its own layout, or dock it to another object in a layout.  Or place it in empty horizontal space in a layout. 

Just fiddle with it until it's right!