
The registration for SuB25 is open until 9 September. In order to register, please simply fill in the registration form here. (This is a GoogleForm, so if you are accessing it from China, you might need a VPN)

All presenters of the main session are automatically registered, so if your name is on the main programme you don't need to fill in this form.

You do not need to register in order to attend presentations and interact with presenters. But if you register you will receive information about the presentations and the synchronous events and other announcements in your inbox. No emails will be sent after the conference.

Please also fill in the anonymous demographic questionnaire here.

Registration for SuB25 is free of charge!

Fundraising appeal:

Because of Covid-19 and the move to the virtual format there are no registration fees for SuB25. Instead, we are asking participants to consider donating what you would have paid to attend the conference in person to the Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund for Brazilian Indigenous Peoples.

This fund is an initiative of The Brazilian Linguistics Association - Abralin to support emergency funding and lifesaving interventions in light of the unprecedented threat to Brazilian Indigenous Peoples posed by the pandemic. More information about the situation in Brazil, including a recorded appeal by Noam Chomsky and information on how to donate, is available here.

As a guide, here are the registration fees that would have been in place if the conference had taken place in person:

Main session

Students and unemployed: £40

Employed: £90

Special sessions

Students and unemployed: £10

Employed: £25

Please consider donating the amount that is relevant to your situation - or whatever you can afford. You can check current exchange rates here . Thank you!