Main Session

By participating in SuB25, you agree to abide the Code of Conduct.

Important note. The format the two workshops will take is different from what is specified here, given different constraints, number of presentations, etc. Please refer to the workshops' pages for information about participating in them. Please note that each workshop will follow its own format.

General information

In order to facilitate participation from different time zones, we decided to make most of the main session asynchronous:

  • All presentations will be pre-recorded videos (unless it is not possible for the presenter(s) to record themselves). There may be supplementary material such as slides, handouts, etc. All the presentation material is hosted on (more information on this coming soon). Slides or handouts will be your main presentation material if you decide not to upload a pre-recorded video.
  • The primary mode of interaction will be the chat function on during the period of the conference (3–9 September 2020). The presenters should respond to all the comments during this period. The OSF page will remain accessible after the conference, but the presenters might not answer your questions.

Presenters are encouraged to offer synchronous Q&A sessions as well, but are asked to set up and manage them individually. If possible, please avoid scheduling Q&A sessions between 1pm and 5pm (London time) during the days of the conference (3–9 September), as there are synchronous events taking place then.

This is certainly different from more traditional in-person conferences, but we believe there are some merits as well. E.g.:

  • We are hoping that each presentation will receive more feedback than usual. Participants are highly encouraged to post feedback and also to comment on other participants' questions and comments as well.
  • We believe this format is more inclusive. Anyone can participate from anywhere anytime. The presentations will remain accessible after the conference is over.
  • An online conference costs much less, and we charge no participation fee.
  • It requires no traveling, and is more environmentally friendly.

One important thing that would be missing is an opportunity to interact with other participants in more casual settings. To this end, we will organize synchronous events on each day of 3–9 September 2020. Information about the synchronous events can be found here.

OSF project pages

Each presentation will be given a project page on the OSF meeting page for SuB25, which anyone can access.

Each project page hosts all the presentation material, including the video(s). The audience will visit these project pages and post questions and comments there.

In order to see a particular session, please enter in the search box on the meeting page, "main session", "special session 1" (for the session on gestures) or "special session 2" (for the session on understudied languages and fieldwork).

You can also search for keywords (e.g. "plurality", "Telugu", "dynamic semantics", "experimental").

Here is what a project page looks like. This is András Bárány's page from GLOW 2020.

You can find all the material for this presentation in the Files section. The Wiki section contains information about the presentation.

The asynchronous Q&A will take place in the chat function of each project page.

Be sure to include keywords (or tags) in your project page so that other participants can search and find your page. You can search for keywords using the search function on the top right in the repository's meeting page.

How to post questions/comments

The comment function of the project page opens when you click on the comment bubble icon (see the picture on the right) on the top-right corner of the project page.

For presenters

The presenters should try to answer all questions during the conference (3–9 September 2020). Questions might come in from different timezones, so it's not critical to be prompt. But you should try to answer all of them by the end of the conference.

For audience members

In order to post a question or a reply, you need an account on OSF, which you can open for free.

You can expect an answer, if you post your question by the end of the conference (9 September 2020). Please also make sure that the same question has not already been asked by someone else by reading through the other questions.

To reply to questions/comments

When you answer a question or comment on an existing post, it's a good idea to use the reply function, rather than starting a new thread, so that there will be some structure to the conversation. If you are logged in, you see a curved arrow and ⚠️ (see the image on the right) at the end of each post.

If you identify a spam post, please use the ⚠️ button.

In order to see a reply to a post, you have to click on the '+' sign. What you see on the right is an example from the same project page for András Bárány's GLOW presentation. The '+' sign is highlighted.

In order to see a reply to a reply, you have to click on the '+' sign in the reply. The example on the right is András's reply to a post, so it's indented, and by clicking on the highlighted '+' sign, you will see a reply to this reply.