Sinn und Bedeutung 25
co-hosted virtually by University College London (UCL) and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)
Special sessions: 1–2 September 2020
Main session: 3–9 September 2020
The presentations are asynchronous with Q&A on OSF. See the instructions here. The programme is here.
There are synchronous live events on Zoom every day of the main session at 15:00-17:30 BST. To participate, please register (for free!) here.
17 September 2021: The proceedings can be accessed here
9 September 2020: Student prizes were announced today and the winners are here
4 September 2020: Recordings of the History of Formal Semantics interviews are accessible here
22 August 2020: Information on live events is now available.
12 August 2020: Presenters should check Support to see if they are eligible for financial support from us. We've extended the deadline to apply to 9 September 2020
7 August 2020: We are inviting SuB25 participants to contribute to the Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund for Brazilian Indigenous Peoples. More information here.
6 August 2020: Information on Pop-Up Mentoring is now available.
18 July 2020: Instructions for how to participate in the conference are now available here
9 July 2020: The programme for the main session and both special sessions is now available.
11 May 2020: Given the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult to foresee where things will stand in September. We have decided to move the conference to an online format (consequently, there will be no participation fees!). We will post further information here in due course.
Invited speakers:
Ana Arregui (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Video introduction by Angelika Kratzer
"The case of 'every' in the scope of 'might'"
Lisa Bylinina (Leiden University and
Video introduction by Rick Nouwen
"Existence and plurality"
Clemens Steiner-Mayr (University of Göttingen)
Video introduction by Gennaro Chierchia
"On the variability of context change potentials"
Special sessions:
Special session 1: Gestures and Natural Language Semantics: Investigations at the Interface
Special session 2: on the Semantics of Understudied Languages and Semantic Fieldwork
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: Sunday 1 March, 2020 (23:59 Central European Standard Time)
Notification of acceptance: 20 June, 2020
Registration open: 3 August
Special sessions: 1–2 September 2020
Main session: 3–9 September, 2020
Luisa Martí (QMUL), Hazel Pearson (QMUL) and Yasutada Sudo (UCL)
In addition to support from our institutions and the LAGB, many people have helped us think through what an online version of Sinn und Bedeutung would look like. It was a daunting thought, in daunting times, and without you, it would have been even more daunting to put it into practice: thank you to Sigrid Beck, Rajesh Bhatt, Ivano Caponigro, Gennaro Chierchia, Michael Franke, Berit Gehrke, Daniel Harbour, Vincent Homer, Angelika Krazter, Ivona Kučerová, Jeremy Kuhn, Mingya Liu, Fabienne Martin, Rick Nouwen, Onur Özsoy, Jessica Rett, Linnaea Stockall, Kristen Syrett, Ede Zimmermann and our very diligent and professional moderators, hangout session leaders, pop-up mentoring organizers, interviewees, interviewers, and reviewers. We'd also like to thank each other—we've worked well as a team and, even though we won't be organizing anything of this calibre again for about, oh, another million years, we are very happy with how things have turned out.
Luisa, Hazel, and Yasu