IoT Projects

Lumetap - a holographic keyboard

Portable, modular & cool!

Detects key presses using photoresistors. Sends the data using the USB cable to the PC, where the signal is processed by a Java program.

After a key is pressed, a macro is executed. Macros can be customized by modifying the code.

Here's a musical chords macro demonstration of the keyboard in FL Studio:


More photos:

Arduino Calculator

The first button or touching the touch sensor increases the first number by one. The second button saves the result of the calculation into the second number. The third button selects the sign. Note: The - and / sign swap the two numbers, a.k.a. it's second number minus the first and not the other way - otherwise, the first number will have to be very big and thus making it inconvenient for basic calculations.

This is my first IoT school project. Hope you enjoy!
