About Me

I enjoy learning new things and make use of what I learn. There are so many things in this world to be seen and learned, so many programming languages! Why should I waste time?

I can definitely say that I want to major in computer science. I want to create technological solutions, use programming in science. Questions related to the universe are extremely interesting to me. In physics, I like quantum physics and particle physics the most.

I like doing simulations. To program anything that can be programmed, from virtual candy to a birthday treat, a homework bot, or a game in a language I haven't learned yet.

I like playing video games, coding them, creating music for them, animating characters, making 3D models.

Actively seeking new opportunities and inspiring projects.


"Запознайте се със Симеон Петков, чийто разказ впечатли целия ни екип. Едва на 12 години, той вече знае какъв иска да бъде пътят му и е постигнал повече, отколкото си представяме за възможно.

Walk your own path

10 words that describe me accurately, though not completely:

1.      Inquisitive

2.      Ambitious

3.      Purposeful

4.      Reliable

5.      Responsible

6.      Communicative

7.      Creative

8.      Positive

9.      Fair

10.   Dedicated