Java Projects


A node-based functional programming language, developed by me

GitHub repo

NLang - Poster.pdf


A brand new dynamically typed prcoessor shader programming language with no additional overhead from using If-statements and loops.

I created Simpl with the idea of an easily integratable shader language, that can be easily called from many programming languages and without the need for a graphics library.

To use it, call it trough command prompt:

java -jar simpl.jar -p(your_program.smpl) -a3(var_name,var_x,var_y,var_z) -o(output_picture.extension) -d  -t8

Texture files are called directly by file name in the program file itself, requiring no additional texture linking

Download on GitHub


An educational platform, that shows you experiments that you cannot observe without a real lab... in a virtual lab! This project is still WIP, however it targets schools, teachers and students alike. Made up from two seperate modules (Backend, a.k.a simulator and Web, a.k.a. the platform itself), this is the most complicated project I'm yet to tackle!

Image to P5

A small tool that looks like a Paint program on the outside, but acts like a conversion from image to p5 script! Colors and UI are still WIP.