
Our troop had a lot of help completing our Silver Award Project. Here is a list of contributors we would like to thank! For more information, click on some of the names listed to check out their website!

Season's Four- Thanks to Joshua French for four Catmint plants!

Mahoney's Garden Center- Thanks to Cindy Mahoney for giving us a 25% discount off any plants!

Arlington Garden Club- Thanks for donating plants for our garden!

Wanamaker's- Thanks to Mark Wanamaker for donating 50 feet of rabbit proof fence and 12 fence posts!

Lalicata- Thanks Guy Lalicata for donating compost, mulch, and stepping stones!

Shattucks- Thanks for donating a roll of chicken wire and a watering wand!

Parks and Recreation Committee- Thanks for giving us permission to put a garden in Arlington!

Jon Marshall- Thanks for implementing our entire project and helping us make a design!

Friends of Waldo Park- Thanks to Jennifer Susse for allowing us to put our garden in Waldo Park!

Cate Oranchak- Thanks for helping us choose plants and make the layout of our garden!

Nate Raughley- Thanks for helping us make our own bee hotels!

Peter Hedlund- Thanks for telling us about bee hotels and giving us lots of other helpful information about pollinator-friendly landscape design!

Our Parents- Thanks for driving us everywhere, donating plants, and helping with the project in general! Also, we'd like to give a special thanks to Leslie our troop leader and Avon our Silver Award leader!

Habitat in Belmont- Thanks for hosting and helping us run the Brownie Bug Badge at Habitat!

Arlington Girl Scouts- Thanks for sponsoring our Town Day booth and for hosting this website!

LexFarm- Thanks for letting us have a booth about pollinators at your Spring Fair!