Lab pictures and facilites

The benches

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

To perform moleculal cloning, western blots, visualize fluorescence/chemiluminescene, carry out protein/DNA elecrophoresis...

Protein purification

We have access to six protein purification AKTA systems for automated protein purification procedures.


The lab has access to state-of-the-art equipment including fluorimeters, plate readers, qPCR, isothermal titration calorimetry, microscale thermophoresis, surface plasmon resonance and diferential scanning calorimetry.

Cell culture, fluorescence microscopy

For cell biology experiments or growing cells for large scale protein purification in eukaryotic cells.

TEM and Cryo-Electron Microscopy

The group is part of the LMA (Laboratory of Advanced Microscopy), located within the building. The LMA is an ICTS and has state-of-the-art facilities for sample preparation (glow discharge, vitrobot), as well as a cryo-TEM T20 with 200kV and an Eagle CCD detector.

Computing facilites

The institute has a cluster from the Red Española de Supercomputación. Here we have our nodes for data processing.