
(Underlines indicate invited talks and * indicate talks in English.)

Conference talks

15. Entropy of cluster DT transformations and the finite-tame-wild trichotomy for acyclic quivers, Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory 2024, Kumamoto, May 2024.

14*. Train track combinatorics and cluster algebras, The 19th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Kyoto University, 20 February, 2024. [slide]

13. Train track combinatorics and cluster algebras, MSJ Autumn Meeting 2023, Tohoku University, 29 September, 2023, [abstract (Japanese)].

12. Train track combinatorics and cluster algebras, extended KOOK seminar, August, 2023, Osaka Metropolitan University, online. [slide]

11. Categorical dynamical systems arising from pseudo-Anosov mapping classes of marked surfaces, Workshop on Floer theory, categorical dynamics and related topics, July, 2023, Nagoya University.

10. Unbounded sl(3)-laminations and their shear coordinates, (with T. Ishibashi), MSJ Spring Meeting 2023, March, 2023, Chuo University. [abstract (Japanese), slide]

9. Earthquake theorem for cluster algebras of finite type, Random topics on Teichmüller theory. December, 2022, Tohoku University, [notes].

8*.  Earthquake theorem for cluster algebras of finite type, Trends in Cluster Algebras 2022, September, 2022, online [slide].

7. Asymptotic behavior of earthquake maps for cluster algebras of finite type, (with T. Asaka and T. Ishibashi), MSJ_Autumn_Meeting_2022, September, 2022, Hokkaido University. [abstract (Japanese), slide]

6. Pseudo-Anosov properties in cluster algebras, (with T. Ishibashi),  MSJ Spring Meeting 2022, March, 2022, Saitama University. [abstract (Japanese)].

5*. Pseudo-Anosov properties in cluster algebras, Infinte Analysis 21 Workshop Around Cluster Algebras, September, 2021, (online) [slide].

4*. Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops, Quantum Geometry and Representation Theory, March, 2021, (online).

3. Algebraic entropy of sign-stable mutation loops, (with T. Ishibashi), MSJ Spring Meeting 2020, March 2020, Nihon University, [abstract (Japanese)].

2*. Categorical entropy of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes of marked surfaces, Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics, Kyoto University, Japan, December 2019.

1. 擬Anosov写像類と圏論的エントロピー, Topological Studies around Riemann Surfaces, the University of Tokyo, Japan, September 2019.

Seminar talks

16. Entropy of cluster DT transformations and the finite-tame-wild trichotomy for acyclic quivers, 阪大代数幾何学セミナー , 22 January, 2024, Osaka University.

15. Train track combinatorics and cluster algebras, Tuesday Seminar on Topology, The University of Tokyo, 17 October, 2023, online. [slide]

14. Train track combinatorics and cluster algebras, Tohoku Cluster Seminar, Tohoku University, 29 March, 2023.

13*. Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops, Online Seminar on Algebraic and Complex Dynamics, 25 April, 2023, online. [notes]

12. Tropical cluster transformations and train track splittings, Tokyo-Nagoya Algebra Seminar, 20 January, 2023, (online) [notes].

11*. Unbounded sl(3)-laminations and their shear coordinates, Geometry, Algebra and Physics Seminar at KIAS, 12 January, 2023, (online) [notes].

10. Unbounded sl(3)-laminations and their shear coordinates,  Tohoku University Geometry Sminar, 1 November, 2022, (hybrid), [notes].

9. Pseudo-Anosov properties in cluster algebras, Tohoku University Geometry Sminar, 4 January, 2022, (online), [notes].

8*. Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops, LAGOON, 14 October, 2021, (online), [notes].

7*. Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops, Paris algebra seminar, 21 June, 2021, (online).

6. Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops, 阪大オンライン代数幾何学セミナー, Osaka University, 31 May, 2021, (online), [notes]. 

5. A characterization of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes by tropical cluster transformations, ToKoDai Topology Seminar , 6 January, 2021, (online), [notes].

4*. Pseudo-Anosov mapping classes are sign-stable, Minami Osaka Daisu Seminar, 19 June, 2020, (online), [slide].

3. 擬Anosov写像類と圏論的エントロピー, Ring Theory and Representation Theory Seminar, Nagoya University, Japan, 6 March, 2019.

2. 擬Anosov写像類と圏論的エントロピー, 千葉大学幾何学セミナー, Chiba University, Japan, 2 August, 2018.

1. 擬Anosov写像類と圏論的エントロピー, Mathsci Freshman Seminar 2018, Kyoto University, Kyoto, February, 2018. 


6. Topology of surfaces and entropy, Sendai math seminar for high school students, Tohoku University, Aug, 2023.

5. Higher laminations and cluster algebras, g-RIPS seminar, Advanced Technology R&D Center, Amagasaki, Hyogo, 18 July, 2023. [slide]

4. On the symmetry of cluster algebras, Tohoku ISM workshop, Tohoku University, 10 May, 2023. [notes (Japanese)]

3. On cluster algebras, Open Innovation Session of Mathematical Science (in person), Tohoku University Liaison Office at Tokyo, 22 February, 2023. [graphic recording]

2. On cluster algebras, Open Innovation Session of Mathematical Science, Tohoku University, 6 November 2022, (online). [notes (Japanese)]

1. Cluster algebras and geometry of surfaces, g-RIPS seminar, Advanced Technology R&D Center, Amagasaki, Hyogo, 19 July 2022. [slide]


3. Pseudo-Anosov Mapping Classes and Categorical Entropy, "Poster of the Day" in Cluster Algebras 2019, RIMS, Kyoto University, June, 2019. [poster]

2. Differential graded categories and A_infinity categories, The 4th Spring School on Algebraic Topology in Shinshu, Shinshu University, March, 2014.

1. Nerve functor, The 3rd Spring School on Algebraic Topology in Shinshu, Shinshu University, March, 2014.