KoW:LGT Siege 2025
Date: 26th September 2025
Days: 1 day
Rounds: 3
Points Level: 2300
Time on Clock: 60 minutes
Scoring System: King of Herts
Tickets: Mantic - Kings of War Ticket | The London GT (lgtpresents.co.uk)
More Details: Core Tournament Pack
For further info please read The Core Tournament Pack
Tickets available here
Price will be (TBC but last years was)
£50 for KoW:LGT (Sat and Sun)
£20 for KoW:LGT - Ambush (Friday)
£60 for both
Age limit
Players must be aged 16 or over.
Max capacity for tournament is 100 Players
The timings will be:
10:30 Registration
11:00 Round 1
13:20 Lunch
14:00 Round 2
16:20 Round 3
18:30 Awards
Army Points level
Army lists of up to 2300 may be taken and must comply with the Kings of War Version 3 Red Edition Rulebook.
Your Army must be chosen from one of the official Force Lists:
The most recent FAQ and Errata will be in effect.
List to be in no later than 23:59 7 days before the Tournament.
Please use https://companion.manticgames.com/kings-of-war-list-builder/
or email to shroudofthereaper@gmail.com
Tournament Number for Mantic Companion is 2eT3oERUTz
No later than 23:59 7 days before the Tournament.
Tournament Points
You are awarded 5 points for a win, 3 for a draw and 1 for a loss.
These were chosen so that two draws is equivalent to a win and a loss.
Scenario Points Leveling
The Siege Scenarios have the ability of scoring a maximum of 6VP, and highest losing score of 4VP.
For information Siege Rules see: Kings of War 3rd Edition Rules | Mantic Companion
Deciders: Led by Strength of Schedule:
1st Decider is on the Strength of Schedule (ie the tournament ranking of each position of the players you played)
2nd Decider is then on Scenario points (in game Victory Points)
3rd Decider is the units you have killed
4th Decider is then your VP attrition score (difference between all your VP and all your opponents VP).
5th Decider is then your attrition score (difference between your kills and your own dead).
6th Decider is on the number of times your Tournament Reaper Character survived
7th Decider is on the number of Tournament Reaper Characters you killed
Finally, if there is still a draw, we toss a coin
And further decider ordering variations.
Optional Rules
The optional withdrawal rules will not be used.
The optional Allies rules will not be used.
Command Dice will be used
The Scenarios
Siege: Players roll for sides (Attacker/Defender)
Siege: Best Attacker is now the Defender vs the Best Defender who is now the attacker
By this point every player would have been attacker and defenderSiege: Players roll for sides (Attacker/Defender)
The Siege Scenario would be the combination of:
Attacker Objectives P84 - total available VP = 6
1: Capture - Completed Objective: 2VP
To successfully complete this objective, the Attacker must have units with more combined Unit Strength inside the Courtyard or Garrisoning wall sections than the Defender has at the end of the game.
In the event of a castle wall section being Routed and removed from play, units will score points if the majority of their base is within the footprint of where the wall section used to be.
2: Destroy - Completed Objective: 2VP
To successfully complete this objective, the Attacker must destroy (Rout) at least two wall sections.
3: Kill the Defenders - Completed Objective: 2VP
At the end of the game, add up the total points value of units Routed on both sides (including any Siege options or other upgrades they had).
The objective is successfully completed if the Attacker has Routed at least 10% of the agreed points limit more than the Defender has.
Castle wall sections are worth 100 points each plus the cost of any upgrades given to them.
The gate is worth 80 points and is counted if Routed itself, or if the wall section containing it is also Routed.
Defender Objectives P84 - total available VP = 6
1: Breakout - Completed Objective: 2VP
To successfully complete this objective, the Defender must have units with more combined Unit Strength in the Attacker’s half of the table than the Attacker has Garrisoning walls or occupying the Courtyard (or the footprint of where any Routed walls once were), at the end of the game.
2: Supply Lines - Completed Objective: 2VP
After deployment, place one Objective Marker in the exact centre of the Courtyard and then each player, starting with the Attacker, takes turns to place two more Objective Markers on the table, no more than 6” away from the centre line and at least 12” from any other Objective Marker.
The Objective Marker in the courtyard is worth 2 points while the other two are worth 1 point each.
To successfully complete this objective the Defender must control Objective Markers with a combined worth at least 3 points at the end of the game.
3: Kill the Attackers - Completed Objective: 2VP
At the end of the game, add up the total points value of units Routed on both sides.
The objective is successfully completed if the Defender has Routed at least 10% of the agreed points limit more than the Attacker has.
Castle wall sections are worth 100 points each plus the cost of any upgrades given to them.
The gate is worth 80 points and is counted if Routed itself, or if the wall section containing it is also Routed.
Siege equipment
Each player gets 25% of points value to spend on siege equipment (Slight adjustment from rule book), or 575 points
Provide a list with Attacker Options and Defender Options
Offensive Siege Options P80
i. More troops P80
The Attacker may choose one extra unit from their army list worth up to 200 points (including magical artefacts). Offensive Siege Equipment may be given to this unit in addition to the 200 point limit.
For example a Kingdoms of Men Shield Wall Regiment may take the Brew of Strength, giving it a cost of 180 points, then take a Siege Tower for a total cost of 245 points.
ii. Bomb Wagon P80
iii. Wallbreaker Artillery P81
Wallbreaker Artillery may not be taken if any other War Engines are selected in the army list.
Offensive Siege Equipment P81
i. Ladders/Climbing Gear [10pts] P81
Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Large Infantry or Monstrous Infantry units only. When charging a wall section, a unit with this upgrade may elect to attack a Garrisoning unit instead. However this will be considered as a Hindered charge, even if the attacking unit has Strider or Pathfinder. A unit with this upgrade may also Garrison an unoccupied wall section, moving onto it from the outside in the same way a unit in the Courtyard moves into one from the inside.
ii. Battering Ram [25pts] P81
Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Large Infantry and Monstrous Infantry units only. When attacking a castle wall section or the gate in Melee, the unit has the Blast (D3) and Crushing Strength (+2) special rules.
iii. Siege Towers P81
Regiment +65 pts
Horde +95 pts
Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Large Infantry and Monstrous Infantry units only
When equipped with a siege tower, the unit increases its Height to 6 and all Ranged attacks from enemies that are in the unit’s front arc treat its Defence as 6+. The unit’s speed is reduced to 5 (unless it is already 5 or less) and the unit cannot benefit from the Pathfinder, Strider, Stealthy, Fly or Nimble special rules. It also cannot be targeted by Wind Blast or Surge. Units equipped with a Siege Tower treat obstacles as blocking terrain. When charging a wall section, a unit with this upgrade may elect to attack a Garrisoning unit instead. A unit with this upgrade may Garrison unoccupied wall sections from the outside of the castle. When a unit with this upgrade Garrisons a wall section, the Siege Tower is destroyed. At the start of your turn, units equipped with a Siege Tower may choose to destroy it. Destroyed Siege Towers are removed from play and the unit gains no further effects from it for the remainder of the game.
Defensive Siege Equipment P81
Defensive Siege Equipment may be taken by any of the Defender’s units, in addition to any magical artefacts chosen. The list of items below also provides several upgrades that can be applied to the castle wall sections themselves. Each item may only be taken by a unit, or applied to a castle section, once.
i. Sturdy Walls [150pts] P81
Increase the Defence of all wall sections by +1 to a maximum of 8+.
ii. Buttresses [90pts] P81
Increase the Waver and Rout values of all wall sections by 2.
iii. Gate Trap [30pts] P81
May be applied to the gate only. When a unit Routs the gate in Melee, it suffers 2D6 hits at Piercing (3). The controlling player resolves the hits against their own units. No Nerve test is taken for this damage.
iv. Tower Artillery [100pts] P82
Tower Artillery is a specialist War Engine that is permanently Garrisoned and may only be deployed in a tower. If the Tower Artillery is Routed, the tower itself cannot be Garrisoned for the remainder of the game, as it is blocked with debris. The Tower Artillery may target enemy units in any direction. You may choose to draw line of sight and measure range from the centre of any of its tower’s facings. The profile listed below is intended to be suitably generic to cover all manner of artillery.
A maximum of 2 Tower Artillery may be selected in a defending force and do not need to be unlocked by a Regiment, Horde or Legion of ‘regular’ units.
v. Wall Trap [30pts] P82
One use only. This upgrade is given to a single wall section, but can only be activated when the wall section is Garrisoned. Instead of declaring a countercharge using their own profile, a unit Garrisoning a wall section with this upgrade, may declare it is activating the trap as its order for the Turn. In the following Melee phase, the trap inflicts 2D6 hits on every attacking unit that charged the wall section or Garrisoning unit in the previous turn. Hits are calculated at Crushing Strength (3).
vi. Tunnels [40pts] P82
Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Large Infantry and Monstrous Infantry units only.
Multiple tunnels may be purchased. Before any deployment, for each unit with a secret tunnel, place two markers anywhere on the table to represent the tunnel exit and secretly note which marker is the real exit; the other will be a decoy (e.g. place two counters marked “A”, place 2 counters marked “B” etc.). A unit that has a tunnel is is not deployed, but is held in “reserve”. At the start of the Defender’s player Turn two, roll a D6 for each unit held in reserve. On a 4+ that unit has successfully navigated the tunnels and may be placed in base contact with the real tunnel exit marker, facing any direction. In the turn they emerge, a unit may be given no further orders, nor be targeted by Surge. The corresponding decoy marker is removed.
In subsequent Defender turns, roll for each unit in reserve again. The score needed to emerge from the tunnel is lowered by one each Turn (so 3+ in turn 3, 2+ in turn 4). A dice roll of a 1 always fails and cannot be re-rolled. If an enemy unit is covering the tunnel exit marker when the unit emerges, consider this as a front charge by the emerging unit and place the unit in base contact with the enemy unit’s front. If there is no room to place a unit emerging from a tunnel, it must stay in reserve and roll again next Turn. If the unit is unable to emerge from the tunnel before the game ends it is considered Routed.
When an enemy unit moves into base contact with a tunnel exit marker its controlling player may roll a die: on a 4+ the unit is able to tell whether the tunnel exit is real or the decoy. Remove a decoy marker immediately if the real tunnel is revealed. The tunnel markers do not affect movement or line of sight in any way.
vii. Enchanted Castle [50pts] P82
All spellcasters within the castle, either Garrisoning a wall, or within the Courtyard, extend the range of all spells by 6” and may reroll any dice that fail to hit.
viii. Living Castle [150pts] P82
All castle wall sections have the Regeneration (5+) special rule.
ix. Shrouded in Darkness [70pts] P82
All castle wall sections, towers, the gate and any Garrisoning units have the Stealthy special rule.
x. Cursed Walls [70pts] P82
All castle wall sections, towers and the gate gain the Cloak of Death special rule.
xi. Sacred Stronghold [70pts] P82
All castle wall sections, towers and the gate gain the Radiance of Life Special Rule.
xii. Fortress of Flames [60pts] P82
This grants each castle wall section the Fireball (6) Spell.
xiii. This Is Our Castle! [60pts] P82
This grants each castle wall section the Rallying! (1) special rule.
xiv. Damned Obelisk [60pts] P82
This grants each castle wall section the Dread special rule.
xv. We’re used to this! [75pts] P82
This grants all friendly units which are currently Garrisoning a castle wall section the Elite special rule, or if they already have Elite, they are granted the Vicious special rule.
Terrain Heights
Difficult terrain - Rivers/Lakes/Fields - Height 1
Difficult terrain - Forests - Height 9
Obstacles - Height 2 does not block LoS
Blocking terrain - Height 9
Hills - Height 3
Player Round times
Player Round time: 60 min after which a player may not issue any orders or roll any dice, including for rules such as Regeneration.
Overall Round time: 2:30hrs – both players end game and workout winner from this point
Awards will be provided for:
Positional Awards will be provided for:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Last Place - Wooden Spoon
Other Awards will be provided for:
Best Hero/Monster/Titan/War Engine
Best Mantic Army
Cool but how do we get there?
The Lee Valley Indoor Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton, London N9 0AR, UK.
There is free parking on site.
Public Transport
The following train stating is the closest: Ponders End
The following routes run closest to the venue: 191, 192, 279, W8
Where to stay
There are some AirBnB places. There are also more hotels slightly further out.