Exam Goals

Exam Goals is a simple study planner app for macOS that I developed in collaboration with Brian J. Park and Hannah Cheng.

Exam Goals app: Taking what I learnt from RM Buddy

Download the app here (or by clicking on the picture), and follow the directions on the README doc to install.

We created this simple app on Python (using wxPython for GUI and py2app to make an executable). It is an app for students during exam season to help them calculate the final exam scores they need to get the desired grades for their courses. The app also uses an API to help the users make calendar entries with their target scores.

I led our team of three (including myself) in developing this app. We decided to make this app after I told my colleagues about how interesting it was making RM Buddy. We stumbled across this idea while reminiscing about our time at McGill.

This was a very fun project, and I learnt quite a bit from it. Some of the most notable things that I have picked up during this project include: software and system design (albeit on a small scale), collaborative software development (we used Git, and collaborated both in person and remotely), and using APIs (this was one of my first times using an API on Python).

The source code is available here.