RM Buddy

RM Buddy is a simple file organization app for macOS that I developed.

Developing my first standalone app

I created this simple app on Python (using wxPython for GUI and py2app to make an executable). It is called RM Buddy, and you can download it by clicking here (or on the logo on the side). The program is designed for macOS. Its purpose is to tidy up directories (and sub-directories within); It will look for files and directories that may be duplicates (e.g., documents that you may have downloaded multiple times), by looking for key words like "... copy ..." and phrases like "... (2)" or "... (3)" etc. You can review, and delete selected files as well.

The source code is available here.

I originally wrote a script that did something similar, when I became fed up with all of the copies of the same pdf articles piling up my Downloads folder. After doing so, I decided to try to wrap it up as a standalone app as a personal project. This was my first time designing and implementing a functioning GUI, so it was an interesting experience. I currently only have the macOS version out. In the future, I may try to develop a Linux versions using PyInstaller, and perhaps a Windows version as well. The Linux versions should be relatively straightforward, but I am not sure about Windows.

RM Buddy is named after the rm command on Unix operating systems used to remove objects from the command line.