Information about each creature at the Reserve


Crup - MaleStatus: Permanent Resident

The Shoeburyness family pet, he has no seriously injuries or illnesses and there's nothing special about him, other than how loving and friendly he can be to just about anyone. He is, however, missing one of his tails. This is the face that greets most guests when they step in the main building.

The Herd

HorklumpsStatus: Permanent Resident

The Horklumps are a unique addition to our family, they don't appear to have any individual personality, injury, or defect, but they found themselves a place with us all on their own, and we're happy to have them.


Niffler - MaleStatus: Permanent Resident

Our resident Niffler, he still goes for anything shiny, but he has a weak left eye from an accident involving some hot metal, so even though he is still capable of living a comfortable life, he is kept with us as a precaution. He also is very jumpy to anyone who comes up on his left side. Keep an eye open for him, like Nod, he enjoys exploring all the places he shouldn't be in.


Fwooper - FemaleStatus: Permanent Resident

We're not quite sure how, but our little beauty was found in the African wilds with damaged vocal cords. She likes to be sung to. A lot. Most times she will try to sing on her own, but cannot, and it's in those moments that she will really bond with someone if they sing for her. 


Jarvey - MaleStatus: Permanent Resident

Mister joined us on his own. We're not kidding... He showed up one day and never left! He loves to insult, and try to beat Stubby to all of the comfortable spots inside. He even likes to try to insult Stubby. We're convinced at Mister believes Stubby can understand him. That's really all there is about him. He's another family pet that likes to keep us on our toes. We know he loves us, in his own way...


Guinea Pig/Piggybank - FemaleStatus: Permanent Resident

Grin & Gotts started out as two basic, ordinary piggy banks, probably for a small Wixen child, it is unknown why they needed two. To this day it is also unknown who left the pair on the doorstep of the Preserve. But, when they were found, they were squeaking loudly and in discomfort. The underage magic, caused by a temper tantrum, turned them from banks to actual guinea pigs, leaving the piggies with coins still inside of them. (Continued below)


Guinea Pig/Piggybank - MaleStatus: Permanent Resident

Guinea pigs were a challenge to the workers of the Preserve, they were an unusual creature to work with. However, the coins were eventually removed and the piggies healed up. They probably should have been restored back to little banks but after all the work to save them and nurture them back to health, they had touched the hearts of the workers at the Preserve, and now remain as pets.


Kneazle - Female

Ginger was dropped off by an anonymous benefactor with a donation to Shoeburyness, and a note that said "A promise of things to come." A little mysterious, but this little lady was given a clean bill of health after her arrival and had been a joy to keep around either of our locations. After a long day of working with larger, damaged creatures, she is a quite breath of fresh air in the evenings.


Knarl - MaleStatus: Permanent Resident

This big guy is still a bit of a mystery, though every once in a while he shows signs of a creature that has been abused during his life, and he still has an intense fear of rope.


Knarl - FemaleStatus: Permanent Resident

Mini is Lenny's mate, and while she is healthy and happy, we cannot get her to leave his side, she is exceptionally protective of him..


Knarl - FemaleStatus: Permanent Resident

This little cutie also arrived over the weekend of August 6-8, 2028, born to Lenny and Mini. Though still very young, she had been a delight and had even managed to help calm Lenny's anxieties .. a little. 


Peacock - MaleStatus: Permanent Resident
