Shiyu Su Lab

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at UWaterloo, Canada

Welcome to SS Lab! We design and implement integrated circuits and systems, aiming to address the impending challenges for communications, sensing, control, and computing applications and enable new high-impact areas of research. In particular, we focus on architectural innovations across the digital (cyber/processing world) and analog (real/physical world) domains and novel design methodologies empowered by advanced machine learning algorithms. An overview of our research topics can be found in RESEARCH

We are actively looking for talented PhD and MASc students who has a passion for integrated circuit design and associated areas of research. If you are interested in any of our research topics, consider applying to UWaterloo graduate program. Please mention our lab or list Shiyu Su as a potential supervisor in your application.

If you are a 3rd or 4th year undergraduate or MEng student at UWaterloo and interested in working with us, please send your CV, transcript, interests, relevant skills, and lab experience to