Sudoku Solver Project 

7 years ago .  Read Time: 1 min 05 sec.

🧮 The Sudoku Saga: Unraveling the Mysteries with Fortran Magic

Once upon a pixelated universe, where numbers danced in harmony, two curious minds, Atthaluri Shashank and Maitresh, embarked on a magical journey. 🌌 Their quest? To conquer the enigmatic realm of Sudoku using the ancient scrolls of Fortran magic.

🌟 Chapter 1: The Grid of Possibilities

In the heart of their digital kingdom lay a 9x9 grid, a canvas waiting to be filled with the magic of numbers from 1 to 9. "But beware," whispered the Sudoku scrolls, "no number shall repeat in any row, column, or 3x3 box."

With courage in their hearts, Shashank and Maitresh set out to solve the Sudoku puzzle, armed with the wisdom of their Fortran spells.

🎭 Chapter 2: The Rules of Engagement

The rules of this numerical adventure were simple yet challenging. Some squares held secrets, numbers that could not be altered – they were the guardians of order. The rest of the grid, however, was a blank canvas, a puzzle waiting to be unraveled.

"Each digit has its place, a unique spot to call home," echoed through the code, as the two programmers deciphered the rules of engagement.

🌐 Chapter 3: The Algorithmic Dance

Enter the Backtracking Algorithm, a dance of digits and decisions. The algorithm, a wise sage in the Fortran realm, carefully examined each empty slot, attempting to fill it with numbers 1 through 9.

"Try, check, and explore," chanted the algorithm. If the number found its place, the journey continued to the next empty slot. If not, a mysterious backtracking ritual unfolded, guiding the algorithm to a different path.

🖥️ Chapter 4: The Fortran Code Chronicles

The Fortran code, a tapestry of 2D arrays and recursive wonders, held the secrets of the Sudoku solver. The program read from the ancient texts, inputting puzzles from a text file, and wove through the grid, leaving no slot unexplored.

Functions ensuring the validity of rows, columns, and boxes echoed through the code. Recursive backtracking danced with numbers, bringing the puzzle to life. At last, the solved board emerged, a testament to the Fortran magic.

🌈 Chapter 5: A Collaborative Finale

As the final lines of code unfolded, the Sudoku puzzle transformed into an art form. Shashank and Maitresh, collaborators in the digital symphony, had turned a numerical challenge into a story of triumph.

And so, in the pixelated sunset, the Sudoku saga concluded, leaving behind a solved puzzle and a tale of Fortran magic that echoed through the digital kingdom. For code.