Hello, I AM SHAShAnk

Atthaluri Shashank


✉ Email


📞 Phone

+91 720 743 5558

🗓 Birthday

October 24, 1996

🌐 Location

Hyderabad, Telangana, India.


About me                                                                                                           Read Time: 1 min. 

Let me tell you a story about a passionate researcher and coder, located in the vibrant country of India. From a young age, this individual was fascinated with building things, and at very small age, he attempted to replicate Harry Potter's legendary cloak of invisibility. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to learn, he began studying concave and convex lenses, and soon developed a project that allowed him to achieve a similar effect from a particular angle, making the backdrop of the object almost disappear.

As he grew older, the individual never lost his passion for exploring new ideas and taking on new challenges. He continued to keep tabs on his own ideas, as well as those of others, and were always eager to learn more. Along the way, he discovered the power of coding and began honing his skills in a variety of programming languages, from the basics of C++ to more advanced languages like Fortran, Python, and Matlab.

But his interests didn't stop there.  Currently he is working on future tech which is Brain computer interface (BCI) aiming to read thought during the sleep. 

This individual was also an avid movie watcher, a world traveler, a talented photographer and artist, and a true solutionist when it comes to problem-solving. He had a deep love of sports, and were always eager to explore new technologies and innovations in the world around him. 

I would love to confess that the "HE"  in this story is ME - Shashank Atthaluri, Very glad to meet you. 👋

More about what I'm doing

👉Neurotechnology / BCI(Brain-computer interfaces) / Computational neuroscience 

👉 Consciousness and Sleep 

👉 Artificial Intelligence 

👉 Blockchain and Web3

👉 UX/UI Designing

👉 Finance..


Education  Integrated M.Sc. Mathematics 

Aug 2015 - Apr 2020


Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), TIFR 

Jan 2020 - Apr 2020

     Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), TIFR 

     May 2019 - Dec 2019

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Jan 2019 - Apr 2019

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Aug 2018 - Dec 2018

My Skills 


Note: I recently started a learning book, which teach complete understanding of Brain Computer Interface(BCI). I always do this for every new field I learn. So, I recommend everyone to go through and If you're an expert enough in the field please don't hesitate to edit and share your thoughts. I will be very happy to hear from you. 🔗