fNIRS Finger Tapping GLM Analysis Project

2 years ago .  Read Time: 1 min 10 sec.

🧠📊 Unveiling the Mysteries of Brain Activity: fNIRS Finger Tapping GLM Analysis 🎉🔍

Overview 📝

Step into the fascinating world of neuroimaging with our fNIRS finger tapping experiment data for GLM Analysis repository. This treasure trove of data explores the intricacies of a multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) experiment, unveiling the neural activity associated with tapping conditions using the General Linear Model (GLM) analysis.

General Linear Model (GLM) Analysis 📈

In the realm of neuroimaging, the GLM is a statistical powerhouse, unraveling the relationships between experimental conditions and observed neural responses. Tailored for complex experimental designs, it sheds light on the impact of multiple factors on the measured data.

Understanding GLM in Neuroimaging 🤔

Picture the brain as a canvas, and GLM as the brushstroke capturing the dance of experimental conditions. This statistical approach models brain activity as a linear combination of factors, allowing us to dissect the nuanced contributions of each condition.

Key Components of GLM Analysis 🧩

1. **Design Matrix:** The blueprint of our analysis, the design matrix encapsulates experimental conditions, timings, and covariates.

2. **Model Fitting:** We fit the model to observed data, estimating parameters to explain the variance in neural responses.

3. **Contrast Analysis:** Contrast analysis identifies significant differences between conditions, spotlighting distinct neural responses.

Steps in GLM Analysis 🔄

1. **Import raw NIRS data 📥**

2. **Clean up annotations before analysis 🧹**

3. **Preprocess NIRS data 🛠️**

4. **View experiment events 👁️**

5. **Create design matrix 📊**

6. **Examine expected response 🧐**

7. **Fit GLM to subset of data and estimate response for each experimental condition 📈**

8. **Fit GLM to all data and view topographic distribution 🗺️**

9. **Analyze regions of interest 🔍**

10. **Compute contrasts 🔄**

11. **Export Results 📤**

12. **Determine true and false positive rates 🎯**

Results 📊

The analysis yields:

- Topographic maps of response 🌎

- ROI timecourses and statistics 📈

- Contrast maps comparing conditions

Unleash your curiosity and explore the spatial patterns of brain activity involved in left vs. right hand tapping! Contributions and feedback are welcomed – join us in the quest to decode the language of the brain. 🤝🚀For code.