Understanding of Cpu, gpu, tpu and dpu

Read Time: 1 min 52 sec. 


I'll try to explain what is CPU, GPU, TPU, and DPUs are with an example which is easy to understand.  


Imagine a self-driving car. The car's computer system consists of a CPU, GPU, TPU, and DPU.

CPU (Central Processing Unit): 

The CPU is responsible for managing the overall operation of the car, such as controlling the steering wheel, accelerator, and brakes. It also handles tasks like navigating through maps and monitoring the car's sensors. Think of the CPU as the driver who makes decisions and controls the vehicle's movements.

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) 

The GPU is in charge of processing visual data from cameras and sensors to detect objects on the road, such as pedestrians, other cars, and road signs. It performs rapid computations to render high-quality images in real-time for object detection and tracking purposes. Consider the GPU as an experienced spotter who quickly identifies potential hazards or obstacles ahead.

TPU (Tensor Processing Unit)

The TPU is specialized for machine learning tasks like pattern recognition and deep learning algorithms used in image classification or predictive modeling related to autonomous driving features like lane detection or automatic emergency braking systems(AEBS). It excels at handling voluminous datasets generated by sensor inputs streamed continuously into its memory channels without slowdowns due to its purpose-built architecture optimized specifically around these workloads . In this analogy ,the TPU can be seen as an expert consultant who analyzes complex data sets to identify hidden patterns that enhance driving safety . 

DPU(Data Processing Unit) 

The DPU focuses on handling data transfer efficiently between different components within itself while ensuring security protocols are observed during communication between various subsystems integral to autonomous vehicle operation., it processes massive amounts of information at incredible speeds without compromising security protocols set up by manufacturers - including encryption/decryption operations performed on gathered intelligence from various sources such as LiDAR units mounted onto said vehicle's roof rack area or received wirelessly via cellular networks or Wi-Fi Direct connections nearby traffic signals /road signs transmitters etcetera.. In essence ,the DPU acts like a skilled administrator responsible for securitized data transmission across different departments inside an organization working tirelessly behind scenes so everything runs smoothly & securely overall!

Those who didn't get the idea what I am trying to say please go watch a video which explains about the cpu and gpu difference by nvidia 14 years back. here 🔗