IOT based heart attack detection or heart monitoring device during sleep  

2 years ago .  Read Time: 2 min 10 sec.

There are many losing their lives due to heart attack and lack of medical attention at the proper time. Luckily we found a solution by building devices like heart rate monitoring devices/heart attack detection systems using  IOT(Internet Of Thing). This project is quite like that, we develop a system that detects the heart attack or continuous heart beat monitoring system based on IOT during sleep. There was a survey which shows about 2.1 million cardiac deaths in 2015 in India and among them 30% occurred during sleep. Before those numbers lets understand what is heart attack? it's a medical emergency occurs when there is a blood clot which blocks the blood to flow through heart muscles, by this the person loses oxygen and dies. Are there any symptoms which we can find it earlier. Yes, "Symptoms that include tightness or pain in the chest, neck area, back and arms, as well as fatigue, lightheadedness, abnormal heartbeat and anxiety". Among all those symptoms we try to use the abnormal heartbeat as the weapon of detection and tries to save those lives. "For a healthy adult, ordinary heart rate is 60 to 100 bpm (beats per minute). Athlete’s heart beats generally range from 40 to 60 bpm depending upon their fitness. If a person’s heart rate is constantly over 100 beats per minute then the person said to be having a higher heart rate which is also notorious as tachyarrhythmia". The system which we proposed here elevates the detection of heart attack by observing the heart rate monitoring based on IOT. We use a pulse sensor, Arduino UNO and a Wi-Fi module to build the device. The pulse sensor senses the heart rate and by using the Wi-Fi module we transfer the data over the internet. From there the system compares the data with the set points which defines the arrhythmia ("Improper beating of the heart, whether irregular, too fast or too slow"). If the system detects any arrhythmia then the data will be transferred to the nearest people who can help and nearest hospital for the emergency. The theme is to alert the people who are in the side room who have no idea about the patient's cardiac arrest. As a part of a project we found a before existing android application which can track the heart rate in real time, analyzing the patient risk and also includes the previous medical data of the patient for the quick examination in emergency. We develop a system which consists of two parts: data acquisition and data transmission. Data acquisition is collecting the data in real time, analyzing the risk and Data transmission is transmitting the required data(like the patient's live location and other data we collected in the data acquisition part) to the nearest people and nearest medical emergencies to get alert.

The other side : death in sleep is a peaceful and idealized way to pass life. We spend one-third of our lives asleep, there is no surprise that a lot die during the sleep. There is an important difference between dying overnight(who are healthy) and dying with a fatal disease. Our device focuses on the people who are dying overnight and cannot get the help in proper time.

I tried to address the project theme and how it works, the technical part is similar to  other IOT heart attack detection devices and the software which I'm working on. I need to work on the project more to get an idea of the development. The origin of the idea developed in me when I was in my 9th class but I recently found that there are devices which already exist to detect these issues. I found the ECG thing in the Apple watch which is similar thought saving many lives (the implementation made me happy). It feels great to watch someone get the same thought and they could accomplish it.