Braille keyboard for blind  

4 years ago .  Read Time: 55 sec.

In this modern era, everything is growing rapidly with use of technology and computers are play a key role in this growth. Lets first try to address how blind are able to access the computer the most advanced machine after the brain. They get the access or use of computer through speech recognition and speech conversion techniques to understand what's on the computer. The speech recognition system is bit complicated and also its hard sometimes to get over it. The idea is to built a keyboard with the braille script instead of what we usually have. Yes I understand even after the use of braille keyboard the blind need to use of speech recognition to understand what is written on it, I have a solution in neuroscience we a shift of sensing or replacing one sense with other senses we have like we have 5 senses hear, see, smell, taste, feel by skin. If the person have a loss of any of them we can replace them with the other. I have been a part of this project done by professor when I was doing my master thesis they used the loss of see sense to attach it to the feel. Let me explain bit more clear, the thought is they built a system which can serve the same signal transfer to brain to make the person see who actually cannot see (blind). Hope this system works and helpfully for many others. Coming to the point the braille keyboard is a small part of huge idea which at least makes the precision correctly or accurate of typing instead of depending on the speech recognition technique. 

I'm trying attach few article or the systems which already been created to help for the blind so do have a look if you're interested