Spam and unwanted mails cause global warming

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Did you know that by simply deleting spam and unwanted emails, you can contribute to saving the planet? With around 3.8 billion email accounts in the world and an estimated 62 trillion spam emails sent globally in 2008 alone, it's safe to say that email usage is a significant contributor to carbon emissions. Data centers that store these emails require an enormous amount of electricity, and most of this electricity is generated from fossil fuels, leading to global carbon emissions and ultimately, global warming.

To put things into perspective, if every email user in the world deleted just 5-10 spam emails every day, approximately 2,717,971 GB of data could be stopped from storing over the servers. One GB of data consumes around 32 kWh of energy to store, which could be used to power at least 2.4 million households in Africa's rural areas where there is no electricity. This may seem like a small step, but collectively, it can make a significant difference.

So, next time you check your email, take a few extra seconds to delete those spam emails and start using spam mail filters. Also, remove any accounts that are no longer in use. By doing so, you'll not only declutter your inbox but also help reduce carbon emissions and contribute to saving the planet. Don't forget to check out my other article on the Inbox zero concept to learn about the benefits of organizing your emails to boost your mental health.