Shortcuts for most of the applications

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I am writing this to help all the lazy people like me. Many do learning the shortcut keys to increase their productivity, but for me I started learning about the shortcuts and few I create for my convenience due to me being so lazy to use the mouse or type all of it. 

Here are few shortcuts which are inbuilt and  tips to create your own shortcut keys for smarter and faster approach.                    

lets start with the basics windows, I understand many do know most of this shortcuts but it helps the one who don't. Please feel free to skip to other by skimming through all.      

Windows shortcut keys  

File Explorer shortcut keys                                                                                                                                                       

General shortcut keys I use the most                                                                                                                                   

Please do checkout the Inbox zero concept for organizing the emails professionally.

For better and fastest google search 

How to create site shortcut in browsers 

Steps to follow to create shortcut for site search 

Its never ending page until I'm lazy enough to find new shortcuts hopefully I'm lazy all the time.