My Predictions of year 2050 

Read Time: 1 min 10 sec.  

These are my predictions for what may be possible by the year 2050. If you want to know how and why I arrived at these conclusions, I invite you to read more about them. I hope the justifications I provide are compelling and enlightening, and that you come away from it with new knowledge. So, let's explore these ideas together.

Here is a list;

Slow ageing

Land Value Increase immensely                                                   

Food necessity                                   

Air pollution                                                                                                                            

Robots all around which turns human to be lazy

One Currency all over the world  

Actually I do have a long list but I think these are the top to be considered and its necessary to understand them. 

Do worry if you find this short list interesting, and also make suggestions of your new findings.